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GISELLE ANNE has demonstrated her abilities as a dancer and choreographer by performing in shows such as Tango Argentino, Tango Pasión, Mariano Mores, and Los Solistas de D'Arienzo. She has performed in America, Europe and Japan. During the five years of her residence in Spain (1992-1997), she worked intensely with tango, creating her own ballet, founding a school and inaugurating the “Casa del Tango” (Tango House) in Sevilla. LINK

Now with more than 35 years of experience, the presence and solidity of her dance are balanced perfectly with the beauty of her movements, and this ensures that her dancing is always at the highest level.

It is likely that GUSTAVO NAVEIRA deserves the credit for the resurgence and renewed popularity of tango (from the 1980s through today) than any other dancer/teacher/performer/choreographer.  Since discovering the dance in the early 1980s, Gustavo has worked tirelessly to bring tango to new audiences, to evolve the dance to a higher level of technique and of structural complexity.  He has also strived continuously to insure that further development of the dance be grounded in a solid historical foundation.  For this reason, his dancing always has a classic look, even while he is executing the most modern and surprising steps. 

Gustavo is probably the teacher that has influenced tango-dance teaching the most, in all its styles and worldwide. He managed to clarify concepts about the structure of the dance. This has allowed many to understand tango dance better and teaching levels have risen considerably thanks to these concepts.

As early as 1999, the main Argentine newspaper Clarin stated, “you could say that three stylistic tendencies contend for supremacy [in tango]: Urquiza's style, Almagro's style and Naveira's style.”


GUSTAVO & GISELLE met in 1995 and formed a tango couple, bringing together their already-vast experience with the dance.  Together, they have successfully performed in the most important tango festivals around the world (throughout Asia, the Americas and Europe). They have also performed in the most typical milongas and theaters in Buenos Aires and abroad. 

Together, they have  developed a pedagogy that makes dancing tango at a better level possible for more people

Since 2003, they have spread their methodology through teaching in 2 different formats: “Tango Seminars” and "Tango Progressive Programs"®. The Tango Seminar it's a format they have created to enable students to concentrate in only one tango subject and dive into it to genuinely progress in their dance. The "Tango Progressive Programs"® establishes a perfectly controlled progression of the learning process from scratch to a pretty good advanced level.

Based in Boulder, CO, where they founded the “Boulder Tango Studio” in 2013, and directed since then, they nonetheless continue to teach and perform worldwide. Currently the "online classes" are a big part of their programs.

For the work they carry out to date, the Boulder Tango Studio has won the Tango Prize of international scope, awarded in Buenos Aires, to the "Best Tango Academy 2018”

They have also organized the “Boulder Tango Festival“ for 10 years (2010-2019) having the participation of a lot of high level professional tango dancers & orchestras.

"Tango Generation" is the show they created for 3 and then 5 couples  performing from 2011-2013. 

The "Naveira Method" is a documental that was produced for them by The Argentine Tango Society, Buenos Aires, 2021. 

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